Talk on Military Espionage – Fundraiser for Friends of St James’ Church Weybridge
‘The Elusive Spymaster’ – Talk By Renowned Historian Dr Helen Fry
Organised by Friends of St James’
Saturday 29th April 2023, 7.30 pm
Where: In the Parish Centre of St James’ Church,
Church Street,
Surrey KT13 8DE
Colonel Thomas Joseph Kendrick’s secret service life started with a posting to Vienna in 1925 by the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), which is now MI6. During WWII his enterprising methods of
gaining intelligence from prisoners of war were so hush-hush that Kendrick never received the fame that he deserved.
Dr. Helen Fry, recognised as his official biographer, seeks to address this. Of particular local interest is that in 1972 Colonel Kendrick’s funeral took place in our very own St. James’ Church and he is buried in Weybridge Cemetery.
We will have two of Helen’s 25 books – ‘Spymaster’ and ‘Walls Have Ears’ – in paperback @ £10.99 which Helen will happily sign for you after the Q&A session. Check out her website – her passionate
involvement and expertise in historical military intelligence will whet your appetite for her talk!
A fascinating topic, a great way of raising money for the Friends of St. James’ Church. Cash bar, raffle.
TICKETS £12.50 – call 01932 845174
Please mention the All About Weybridge website

The Friends of St James’ is an Association of local people who help to maintain, preserve, repair and restore this beautiful building.
We raise money by holding concerts, plays and social events.
More information on the detailed page for Friends of St James’