Weybridge Community Transport Charity – CARE in Weybridge
CARE In Weybridge
Volunteers Who Drive Local Residents To Medical & Other Appointments
CARE In Weybridge
Volunteers Who Drive Local Residents To Medical & Other Appointments
Difficulty Getting
To Medical

How can we help?
We have a team of volunteers ready to drive local residents to and from medical and other appointments. We can also take you shopping, or we can shop for you.
What does it cost?
We operate a system of voluntary donations to help cover volunteer drivers’ expenses, using a guide list of suggested contributions.
How to contact us
If you need help to get to an appointment please ring 07881 698381 between 9am and midday on weekdays.

Who are we & what do we do?
CARE in Weybridge is a group of volunteers who drive local residents to and from medical and other appointments. We can also take them shopping, or we can shop for them.
We need more volunteers to help provide our service.
What does it cost and how much time does it take?
Volunteer drivers are fully reimbursed for their car expenses and can take on as many trips as they wish.
How to contact us
If you think you might become a volunteer driver please ring 07881 698381 between 9am and midday on weekdays to find out more, or email:
“I really feel that for a lot of people like me it really isn’t about the money, it is having a friendly face to help you, be there for you – a very different experience from taking a taxi. It is invaluable.”
CARE In Weybridge
Telephone: 07881 698 381 Monday – Friday, between 9am and 12pm
(please mention the All About Weybridge website)
Website: careinweybridge.org.uk
Registered charity No. 297883