Elmbridge Dog Breeders & Traders Must Have A Licence

Successful Elmbridge BC Prosecution For Breeding Dogs Without A Licence
On 20th January 2020 at Guildford Magistrates Court, Mrs Lee Smith, aged 71, of Walton-on-Thames Surrey, pleaded guilty to the offence of breeding dogs and advertising dogs for sale without a licence, contrary to Section 13(6) of The Animal Welfare Act 2006.
The case followed many months of thorough investigation by Elmbridge Council’s Environmental Health and Licensing Team, during which time Mrs Lee Smith was given a warning by the Council that legal proceedings would be taken against her if she continued to breed and advertise dogs for sale without a licence.
Full advice and guidance was previously given to Mrs Lee Smith about the relevant licensing requirements.
Cllr Mary Marshall, Portfolio Holder for The Environment commented “The Council takes animal welfare seriously; this case highlights why it is important for those running a business involving breeding and selling dogs to ensure that they have the appropriate licence in place. If you are in any doubt you should contact the Council to seek clarification “
Given Mrs Lee Smith ‘s personal circumstances, she was given a conditional discharge suspended for a period of two years by Guildford Magistrates Court and ordered to pay full prosecution costs of £617 plus a victim surcharge of £21.