Nominations open for Elmbridge Sports Awards 2019

Elmbridge Borough Council event at Painshill Park Cobham

Nominations for the 2019 Elmbridge Sports Awards are open until 20 October. The Awards ceremony will be held on Friday 13 December 2019 at ACS Cobham International School.

There is a wide range of categories you can nominate across. If you know an individual, volunteer, coach or club from Elmbridge who has shown great dedication or excelled in sport over the last year, then this is your chance to nominate them for the recognition they deserve.

Councillor Janet Turner, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, said, “The annual awards is an opportunity to credit all the achievements and efforts of the sporting community in Elmbridge. We have a great history of sporting success within the Borough and we hope to encourage people to continue in their chosen sports and achieve their very best”.


dedicated athletes, teams, coaches and volunteers work really hard for their Elmbridge sports clubs
dedicated athletes, teams, coaches and volunteers work really hard for their Elmbridge sports clubs

Elmbridge Sports Awards Event
Save the date! The Elmbridge Sports Awards will be taking place on Friday 13th December 2019.
The venue will be ACS Cobham International School, Portsmouth Road, Hersham, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BL