Elmbridge Local Plan Consultation – Planning Consultations Now Open
Elmbridge Local Plan should reflect needs after COVID-19 Pandemic
Page includes a statement from Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning and to a copy of the Letter sent from The Leader of the Elmbridge Borough Council, Cllr Stuart Selleck to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Shaping Elmbridge: A Third Consultation On The New Local Plan Now Open – 27th January 2020
The new Local Plan will replace the council’s Core Strategy (adopted in 2011) which contains strategic planning policies and the Development Management Plan (adopted in 2015). The Development Management plan contains detailed day-to-day planning policies.
The first two Local Plan consultations held in 2016 and 2019 were focused on the strategic issues, such as the location of new homes and what should be included in the vision for the Local Plan.
The purpose of this third Local Plan consultation is twofold.
- The first part of the document shares the council’s proposed objectives and themes for the Local Plan, it looks ahead to what the borough might like in 15 years’ time.
- The second part of the document is asking for your views on the approach to the detailed policies.
Our Local Plan will have a central role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and supporting the transition to a low carbon future. As well as delivering improvements to flood risk, air quality, recycling and waste management.
We would like your views on the proposed policy directions.
The consultation also has questions on the Elmbridge economy and the health and wellbeing of our communities through environments that promote and support your physical and mental wellbeing.
Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning Services would like to encourage residents to take part in this latest Local Plan consultation:
“Previously you told us what made your area special and what you would like to see happen over the next 15 years, including responding to climate change, another key challenge for the council.
During the last consultation we promised to use your responses to shape our thoughts of what our vision for the borough should be and what should be the key priorities for the new Local Plan.
These have been incorporated in this consultation document. I would encourage all those with a stake in the future of Elmbridge to read the documentation and to give us their views on the themes and topics in the document.”
The consultation opened on Monday January 27th 2020 and will close at midnight on Monday 9th March 2020.
The document can be viewed, and consultation completed at http://www.elmbridge.gov.uk/localplan2020 by 11:59pm.
You will need to register, and your comments along with you name will be published. Printed copies of this document are available to view at the Civic Centre in Esher and at libraries across the borough. For those without internet access hard copies of the comments form are available at the Civic Centre and in the borough libraries or upon request by calling 01327 474 474.
Next Steps
This consultation forms part of the early engagement with residents and stakeholders and is the third of five in the plan-making process and will run for 6 weeks.
We will collate all of the responses, and these will be published on our website in spring.
After that we will consider the feedback, along with the responses to the Strategic Options 2016 and Options 2019 consultations and prepare a draft plan known as the ‘pre-submission draft’.
You will also be asked for your views on the draft plan before it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.
Elmbridge Local Plan – Planning Consultations Now Open – January 2020
We are now consulting on two policy areas of the current Local Plan. These are specific to parking and to financial and on-site contributions from development in Elmbridge.
The aim of this document is to ensure that all new developments in Elmbridge provide well-designed vehicle and cycle parking, that avoids issues associated with the provision of inadequate or poorly designed parking. Our aim is to support both local and national policy in relation to parking. At a national level this includes an emphasis on good design and sustainability. At a local level it provides more detail to developers on parking requirements. We are keen to encourage the provision of good quality designed development by setting out clear requirements and guidance with regards to all types of parking when designing new developments.
We are committed to providing adequate infrastructure (roads, educational facilities, medical facilities etc.) alongside new development in Elmbridge. We also want to improve the delivery of affordable housing and mitigate the impact of development on ecologically sensitive areas of the borough. The proposed amendments to this document seek to achieve these aims.
These two consultations will run from Tuesday 7th January to Tuesday 4th February 2020.
Consultation documents are available to view on our website (www.elmbridge.gov.uk/spds2020), and a printed version can be viewed at the Civic Centre, High Street, Esher and in local libraries.
Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning Services is grateful for the continuing involvement of Elmbridge residents;
“This is the first of two planning consultations to open in January. Knowing how passionately our residents feel about planning issues and policies, we are eager to hear their views on our parking and development contribution supplementary planning documents. Just to be clear, these draft documents are related to the policies in the Core Strategy 2011 and the Development Management Plan 2015; we are in the process of preparing the new Local Plan (which will update both the strategy and the detailed policies)”.
Elmbridge Local Plan – Update December 2019
A new Local Plan timetable agreed for Elmbridge
Following a special Cabinet meeting at Elmbridge Borough Council on 11 December, a new Local Plan timetable has been agreed. This revised timetable determines that a draft new Local Plan is now expected autumn 2020.
The timetable has changed as the scope of the new Local Plan has increased to include detailed development management policies and as such, an additional six week consultation on these policies will be undertaken. We will be asking for views on the vision and objectives for the new Local Plan in late January 2020.
The Cabinet meeting also agreed that two planning documents relating to parking and development contributions should be available for consultation from 7 Jan 2020. The parking and development contributions documents provide guidance on already adopted Core Strategy policies.
Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning Services is grateful for the continuing involvement of Elmbridge residents;
“We know our residents care about planning issues and policies in Elmbridge, which is why we want to hear their views on the direction of new planning policies. In January 2020 we will have two planning consultations, the first on parking and development contributions is related to the existing Core Strategy Policies and the second related to the vision and objective of the new Local Plan. Information on these documents will be available digitally through our website and a printed version can be viewed at the Civic Centre, High Street, Esher and libraries across the borough. I would encourage all our residents to take part and make your voice heard.”
Cllr Randolph added; “I would also like to thank everyone who contributed to the recent new Local Plan consultation. The responses have been added to the council website for all to view.”
Responses to the recent Local Plan consultation can be viewed through this link – https://consult.elmbridge.gov.uk/consult.ti/LPOC/listResponses
Elmbridge Local Plan – Update October 2019
“Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Local Plan consultation.”
What’s next?
We will now review the responses to the consultation and issue a feedback document by mid-December. This will be posted on our website , through social media and a notification sent via email to all of those signed up for alerts and notifications to planning consultations.The next Local Plan consultation is expected early 2020.
Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning Services, is grateful to all of those who took the time to review the Local Plan documentation and respond to the consultation: “As we know the Local Plan is a vital part of ensuring we have a thriving Elmbridge. Thank you to all our residents who spent time reviewing, researching and responding to the consultation; while this was not a vote on the five options presented, your feedback and ideas will most certainly be considered for the next phase of the Local Plan in Elmbridge.”
Residents are encouraged to sign up for planning consultation alerts and notifications via our website – elmbridge.gov.uk/planning/planning-policy/get-involved-in-planning/.
Elmbridge Borough Council
High Street, Civic Centre, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9SD
Tel: 01372 474387
View the above video by clicking on the play button.
Elmbridge Local Plan 2019 – Your FINAL chance to have a say, before midnight 29th September
Weybridge Society has issued the following communication, which we are sharing with the wider community.
Everyone’s views matter on Elmbridge’s draft Local Plan for housing provision over the next 15 years.
The 5 Options are:
Option 1 – intensify urban areas. This option would require all housing sites to be delivered at over 85 dph (dwellings per hectare) as compared with the notional current 40 +dph for town centres and 30 dph for other areas. This option maintains the green belt.
Option 2 – optimise urban area, release three areas of green belt to a loss of 3%, but none in Weybridge. This option only delivers 73% of the housing need.
Option 3 – optimise urban area and large green belt release losing 11%, in many parts of Elmbridge, including a significant piece at Brooklands College (well-hidden, back land to deliver affordable/staff accommodation) and two bits of Seven Hills Road. This option would deliver 175% of housing need.
Option 4 – optimise urban area and maintain all green belt. This option would only deliver 57% of housing need.
Option 5 – optimise urban area, with losses of 6% of green belt, none in central Weybridge but a small bit at Wyevale Nursery. This option would deliver 100% of housing need but only just scrape by the target.
Weybridge Society encourages all members and residents to review the Local Plan information on its website at:
www.elmbridge.gov.uk/localplan and make whatever submission you think appropriate by 23.59 on Monday 30th September 2019.
The easiest way to respond is to use the online questionnaire.
About Weybridge Society
For nearly 60 years, Weybridge Society has represented and watched over the interests of local residents, sought to safeguard and enhance local amenities, and conveyed members’ views to the Borough and County Councils, and to the Member of Parliament.