Wine Tasting Evening – Oasis Childcare Elmbridge Charity Event

Wine Tasting Charity Evening - Oasis Childcare Cobham Elmbridge Surrey
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Oasis Childcare Children’s Charity Invite You To Their Annual Wine Tasting Evening With A Difference!

Reeds School, Sandy Lane, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2ES
Saturday 13th October 2018
Drinks Reception 7pm – Carriages 11.30pm

Quiz & Blind Tasting - Win Prizes!


Drinks Reception




Fish & Chips




All Proceeds To Oasis

Tickets £60 each
Teams of 6
Contact: Kim Ricks
Phone 01372 465 522
Please mention the All About Weybridge website

Please contact us to book tickets, offer sponsorship, make a cash donation or donate prizes for the Auction on the evening
Quiz, Wine Tasting and Roulette Charity Evening Flyer - Oasis Childcare Cobham Elmbridge Surrey

About Oasis Children’s Charity

The Oasis Children’s Centre in Cobham provides critical and much needed support for families within Elmbridge.

The OASIS children’s centre believes every child has a right to security, love and a stable environment in which they can develop to their full potential. Like all charities they need funding to continue.

Please take a look at their work and see if you can provide support by attending this fun event.

In short … the stress and pressures of living in today’s world always affects those least able to cope, those in critically dysfunctional family situations, some single parent families, those with drug or alcohol addictions and those in severe financial hardship.

The casualties of all this pressure have always been children… the ones with the least voice, the least influence, the least choice and ultimately the least power to change the environment in which they live. OASIS brings a range of services and interventions based on a preventative care approach intervene and address the needs of our clients before their situation becomes irretrievable to the point where statutory body resources are pulled upon. Whenever it is engaged by social services, schools or police, OASIS has a near 100% track record in keeping children off the “child protection register”.

A dramatic uplift in the number of cases that have been referred to OASIS in recent times has meant that this 100% record is no longer intact. Frankly, it has been impossible to cope with the caseload based on OASIS’s limited resources and particularly due to the severity of the more recent cases. OASIS is still delivering an exemplary service and with the support from external funding we will continue to strive to be as close to the 100% record as we possibly can.

Oasis Childcare Charity

See our page, using the button below

Oasis Childcare Charity

See our page, using the button below