Weybridge Dementia AA – Message In A Bottle Scheme To Let Emergency Services Know Your Medical History

Dementia Action Week - Weybridge Dementia Action Alliance
The Alzheimer’s Society want to educate everyone about the simple actions they can take to help people living with dementia feel more included in their community
Weybridge Dementia Action Alliance


You live alone and you’ve had an accident. The paramedics have arrived and are asking questions about your medication, emergency contacts, your medical conditions, your doctor’s name and address and many other personal details. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you had this information already documented and kept safe where the paramedics knew to look?

The Lions Clubs International has come up with a simple scheme called “ Message in a Bottle” which is designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.

lions club message in a bottle