Volunteering Opportunity & Charity to Support – Serv SSL Blood Bikers – The Volunteer Motorcyclists Who Help the NHS
SERV Surrey & South London Blood Bikers
SERV aims to:
- supply a safe, quick and reliable service to local hospitals and doctors for the transport of emergency blood and blood products.
- also transport emergency medical equipment, drugs and donor organs if requested to do so.
- also transport between hospitals in cases of emergency.
At night, free of any charge this will release more money for patient care.
This service is provided between the hours of 7pm and 6am, 7 nights a week, 52 weeks of the year.
SERV also supplies 24hr cover over the Christmas period and all bank holidays.
All of our members are volunteers and receive no recompense for their time or out of pocket expenses.
Volunteering opportunities include Bike Riders, Drivers, Controllers, Air Ambulance and Fundraisers (Friends of SERV).
More information – see SERV SSL website: www.servssl.org.uk