York Road Car Park, Queens Road, Weybridge

Parking charges to be reintroduced from 1st September 2020
Parking charges are set to be reintroduced in all Elmbridge Borough Council car parks on 1 September, as lockdown measures continue to ease and an increasing number of people return to shopping in our towns and village centres.
Charges in all council-run car parks were suspended in March to support Elmbridge residents and key workers during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Free parking has continued while local high streets have reopened, helping businesses to recover their client base. The car parks will continue to offer free parking over the summer, up until the end of August.
Councillor Stuart Selleck, Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council, said:
“Free car parking in council-run car parks has been one of a raft of measures we’ve brought in to help Elmbridge through the COVID-19 pandemic. While we cannot suspend charges indefinitely, we will continue to support local businesses to ensure Elmbridge has a thriving economy.
“As parking remains free in our car parks until the end of August, we encourage residents to take advantage and continue to shop local throughout the summer.”
From 1 September, you can pay online or by mobile phone with RingGo or use the pay and display machines. Saturday free parking offers will stay in place to support local high streets and businesses. Please check the signs in car parks.
York Road Car Park, Weybridge – Information
Address: York Road, off Queens Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8AE
RingGo Code: 15574
Contactless: No
Spaces: 43
Disabled Bays: 0
Height Restricted?: No
Season Tickets?: Yes – Season Ticket Application Page
Resident Permits?: No
Car Park Notes: This car park is suitable for visiting shops and restaurants in Queens Road. It has several sets of bays with parking restricted to two hours to encourage shoppers and visitors to the area to drop in.
Operational Hours: Monday to Saturday 09:00 – 18:00
Up to 30 minutes : £ 0.40
Up to 1 hour : £ 0.90
Up to 2 hours : £ 1.80
Up to 3 hours : £ 2.70
Up to 4 hours : £ 3.60
Daily Charge : £ 5.40
Obtaining more than one ticket in a day to extend or re-park after the initial stay is not permitted.
This information is subject to change at any time by the local authority. The above charges were in effect on 8th January 2020. If in doubt please read the notices at the ticket machines or check the parking pages of the website: Elmbridge Borough Council
Map: See below