With Quiet Country Lanes Dotted with Beautiful Landscapes, Surrey Is the Perfect Cycling Destination

If you’ve just gotten a new bike and are looking for a change of scenery, Surrey has some of the most beautiful and challenging rides that Great Britain has to offer, so don’t hesitate to enjoy the wonderful fresh air and healthy exercise. The traffic-free cycle paths, bridleways, and peaceful country lanes provide countless miles of excellent pedalling. Your best bet is to get outside and explore the cycling meccas of southeast England, away from the bright lights. Few people may think of Surrey as the go-to destination for a biking weekend, but there are numerous incredible routes and trails for the beginner to the most experienced cyclist.
Cycling Isn’t Normally Allowed on The Footway
Cycling is allowed on most roads, byways, and bridle paths, not to mention dedicated cycle paths. There’s an array of cycling facilities that make riding a bike more enjoyable and appealing to everyone. Some feature designated spaces for the movement of cyclists, so it’s easier and safer to share a space with pedestrians, horse riders, and motor vehicles. Nevertheless, accidents can still occur. The government works to support cycling facilities as public interest in participation grows. The guidance issued helps make suitable arrangements for cycling, but local authorities must take into account unique circumstances and available funding.
Surrey Features a Vast Network of Established Cycling Paths
Surrey is adorned with an extensive network of cycling paths, each full of history, wildlife, and culture. Once a hardly populated rustic area in spite of its proximity to London, the Surrey of today is a prime commuter territory. Needless to say, it hasn’t lost its charm. If you yearn to ride through tree-cloaked country lanes or visit Newark Abbey on two wheels, Surrey is for all energy levels. It’s essential that you have some experience in cycling on roads and know the Highway Code by heart.
Cycling is a fantastic way to explore this part of the country – it’s a unique way to experience the culture and landscapes. Some of the main attractions include but aren’t limited to Surrey Hills, which offers the perfect gateway into nature, and North Downs, which follows the legendary Pilgrims’ Way. All of the routes on the map are signposted, aside from the Olympic road race route. Given that cycling on the network can be challenging, efforts are constantly made to introduce infrastructure to make travel feel safe and easy.
How To Find Cycling Routes Near You
Surrey has a long history of supporting cycling initiatives. After the Olympic Games, an annual cycle race was organised as part of the RideLondon festival. The county council withdrew cooperation due to the impact of road closures, even if residents continued to support the initiative. Cycling can be dangerous, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. If you’re injured because a cycle lane is in poor condition, you might bring a lawsuit if you can show it created a concealed trap. Whenever you consult a source, consider the author’s purpose in presenting the information. Credible sources such as https://www.howmuchcompensation.co.uk/ can be considered unbiased and have evidence to rely on.
If you want to find a cycling path, there are countless resources you can use, from maps to apps. Maybe you prefer to use an old-fashioned map. In that case, it’s a good idea to use Ordnance Survey maps that cover all of England and Wales. There are two editions for both areas, which cover lots of details about geography, points of interest, roads, and bridlepaths. The maps are available as paper maps or via the app. Nonetheless, they’re time-consuming because they require complex interpretations.
Perhaps you don’t like the idea of stuffing a map into your pocket, use an app for route planning. There are many apps specifically designed for cyclists, meaning there’s no shortage of options. OS maps make it possible for you to locate on-road and off-road cycling routes with filtering options for difficulty and length. Komoot, for instance, allows you to plan your route or multi-day tours on your phone or cycling computer. You have access to curated guides and ready-built, localised routes, so you can find new and exciting travel destinations.
Planning The Perfect Cycling Journey
There are roughly 426 cycling routes to explore in Surrey. Hilly or downhill types are some of the most common routes to find. Search engines, journey planners, and, last but not least, mobile apps can help you plan your journey. For example, you can ride from Sullivan to Cloverdale Bypass Run. Some longer-distance routes have names and remarkable signage, which makes them easier to follow. If you decide to follow the Blackwater Valley Trail, it’s unlikely you’ll encounter many people while exploring. The leisure trail is 7.8 miles and is mostly flat, with many sections that are easy to use.
It goes without saying that you must get fit fast, so go on rides at least two or three times a week. You can combine your workouts with cardio and weight-bearing exercises, but include some riding into your schedule. We all lead hectic lives, as we’re expected to do a lot, so it can be difficult to fit in time for getting out on the bike. Instead of staying there dreaming, you should better take charge of your life. No matter where you go, good navigation is of the essence. You should always have a plan B in case the weather doesn’t cooperate. Rain isn’t a reason not to go.
The Bottom Line
With a gorgeous area of outstanding natural beauty, cycling is one of the best ways to discover what Surrey has to offer, so start planning your next adventure. In Weybridge, you’ve got 131 paths to explore (you must not cycle on the pavement). It’s important to give yourself days to rest. Not only does this help you recharge your batteries, but it also gives you time to take in the sights and other cultural highlights of the trip. Most routes are aimed at beginner and leisure cyclists, while some offer a more challenging experience.