Weybridge Male Voice Choir

Weybridge Male Voice Choir singing in Cornwall International Male Choral Festival
Weybridge Male Voice Choir Logo

Who Are We?

The Weybridge Male Voice Choir has been in existence for over 100 years. The choir consists of 4 male voice sections – Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone and Bass giving a spine tingling four-part harmony unique to traditional male voice singing (you don’t have to be Welsh!).

There are over 50 members who sing for enjoyment, there are no auditions. Just come along any evening and try us out. We are a friendly group of guys who have fun singing together and provide fellowship.

We are led by a young Musical Director Jonathan Kilhams and accompanist Tom Kelsey who rehearse us in both traditional music such as ‘Calon Lan’ to modern songs such as ‘The Sound of Silence’. Our current piece we are learning is ‘Crazy Little Thing called Love’.

Members are provided with music, but with practice you will be able to sing off copy.

Guys who have fun singing together - Choir provides fellowship

When We Meet

Every Tuesday evening from 8-10pm, with a few exceptions.

Where We Meet

The Parish Centre of St. James Church, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8DE – Free parking in large adjacent car park.


The choir’s main focus is to put on concerts for the Community, usually as a charitable event. These are really enjoyable events where the chance to perform is a reward for all the practice. We have 3 main concerts, where selected pieces from an extensive repertoire are performed. New pieces are gradually added as time permits.

  • Christmas Concert: Friday 13th December 2024
    The choir joins with local schools to perform a real Christmas special – usually a sell out!

    Chrity: There will be a retiring collection in aid of Home Start Elmbridge

Christmas 2024 Concert - Weybridge Male Voice Choir
  • Autumn Concert: Saturday 21st September 2024

The Autumn Concert was a great success with over 150 people attending St. James church in Weybridge. The choir performed a mixture of singing from Benedictus to The Wellerman giving it a nautical theme to complement our support to the RNLI bicentenary. An interesting talk was given by an RNLI official and a collection of over £ 800 was taken at the end of the concert. The concert was divided in each half by students from the Yehudi Menuhin school, really brilliant playing – one of them going on to play at Carnegie Hall (age 12). Interestingly one of our choir members was on holiday in Cornwall the following weekend and saw a real life rescue of a surfer in distress by the RNLI life guards, just showing how vital it is to support these charities.

Photo’s below of choir and a Thank you certificate from RNLI.

Weybridge Male Voice Choir Autumn 2024 Concert
RNLI Thank You Certificate to Weybridge Male Voice Choir

Cornwall International Male Choral festival

This event runs every 2 years and the choir has been involved for many years. In May this year they took part again, to finish 5th in the Competition, as well as singing in many Gala concerts – review attached.

Link to our Competition Performance

Article: Weybridge Men Make Waves in Cornwall

The Weybridge Male Voice Choir travelled down to Cornwall on May Bank Holiday weekend to take part in the 2024 Cornwall International Male Choral Festival.  The festival is the largest competition of its kind in the world, attracting 60 youth and adult choirs from around the globe. As well as the main competition in Truro cathedral the choir took part in 4 Gala concerts where they sang with other choirs – The Newquay Gala organiser wrote ‘’We want to thank you personally for all you did to make the evening the success that it was and to thank the choir for the quality of their performance at the concert.  One of the most inspired decisions I made over the whole weekend was to have you to close the concert.  What a performance!’’

On their way down the choir stopped at Bath Abbey, see photograph, to give an hour-long lunchtime concert, along with a Chopin Nocturne by Tom Kelsey the Choirs accompanist. It was an absolutely fabulous setting, the music resounding around the Abbey.

On competition day the choir travelled from their base in Newquay to Truro Cathedral to meet up with 11 other choirs who patiently awaited their turn to perform in front of the judges and a packed Cathedral, filled with wives and partners, quite a tense moment!  Each choir was required to sing 3 songs one of which must be A cappella.

The choir first performed Wide Open Spaces, written by Sarah Quartel, a young upcoming Canadian composer. The second, Sing your Way Home, A cappella, is based on music written by Dvorak. Their finale was a rousing, powerful song called Baba Yetu, written by an American composer called Christopher Tin and comes from the soundtrack of the computer game Civilization IV; a version of the Lord’s Prayer in Swahili. David Ingoldby gave a tremendous performance as soloist in this last piece.  The choir received a standing ovation and was widely acknowledged to be one of the most entertaining choirs present. When the results were announced – the Choir gaining 5th place in their category of 12 choirs, their best-ever competition performance! The judges commented ‘’Lovely range of programme, great sense of entertainment throughout.’’

“We were blown away by the result” said Andrew Wilson, the choir’s chairman. “The standard is very high. All the work, the extra rehearsals, the commitment made by everyone in the choir, the focus on getting everything right, paid off. The sun shone, the men sang beautifully, we had fun hearing new songs and meeting people from the other choirs. It was brilliant.” Hats off to Jonathan Kilhams, our Music Director, and Tom Kelsey our accomplished Accompanist, for putting together such a great show!

The choir meets every Tuesday from 8-10pm in St. James Parish Centre, Weybridge and is unauditioned, just come along and join in the fun. The choir’s motto is ‘Serving the Community’ and sings at many concerts in the local area, usually as fundraising for a local charity. Our next concert is a joint concert with the Treble Clef on Saturday 6th July and our main choir Autumn concert is on Saturday 21st September. We can also sing for you!!! You can learn more about the choir and hear their music at weybridgemvc.org.uk.

Social Media

Website: weybridgemvc.org.uk – where you can get lots of details about the choir and sign up for our News letter.


Twitter (X): twitter.com/Weybridge_MVC

Instagram: instagram.com/weybridgemvc


General Enquiries
Colin Groves (Secretary): secretary@weybridgemvc.org.uk

Concert Bookings
 Ian Thomas: ian-thomas2@sky.com 

Other Events

Saturday 6th July 2024
Guest choir at the Treble Clef Ladies Choir concert.

Saturday 20th April 2024
Spring Concert at St James’ Church Weybridge, supporting Runnymede Food Bank

Saturday 5th October
Concert at St. Mary’s Church Byfleet