Weekend Activities for Dry January
If you’re partaking in dry January, your first thought might be that you struggle to find ways to spend the weekend. This adjustment can be difficult if having a drink with friends has historically been what you look forward to throughout the working week. In fact, the most challenging thing about it might be that you feel as though you no longer have any plans for your weekends at all.
At first, this might be overwhelming, but it might be that it just requires a slight adjustment in your attitude to see things more positively – with more options available than you initially suspected.
A Natural Walk
For many people, this trial isn’t just a way of knocking one bad habit, it’s also a way to get into better ones. That often includes exercising (hence all of the gym adverts around this time of year) and eating well. While eating well is just something that might take the place of one of your regular domestic activities, exercising is a bit harder.
It can be a struggle to fit exercise into your life in a way that feels genuinely fun. A lot of the time it might just be a chore, which isn’t always bad, but you might want to get something more out of it. Natural walks can be a prime time to do that – featuring the double benefit of both nature and exercise – these can be a great way of seeing more of the natural world and treating yourself all the while.
A Gaming Binge
There doesn’t even have to be anything different about how you spend time – other than the absence of a drink. Spending time immersing yourself in a digital world can be as fun as it ever was, and it might even mark a prime opportunity to treat yourself to a game you’ve been interested in for a while. If you’re not someone who is typically interested in gaming, you might prefer to find a way to get your foot in the door, typically done through games like online bingo UK. However, a ‘binge’ might not be an appropriate word to use here, as moderation is important to enjoying this kind of game fully.
Dry Socialising
An assumption that a lot of people make is that if they’re not drinking, they can’t see their friends. This, however, is a golden opportunity to prove that perception wrong. Not only can this ensure that you continue to see your friends and stay mentally healthy throughout January, but it can also teach you some lessons about socialising that you take with you long afterward as well. If you’re hoping to make more permanent changes to your drinking habits, this can be a great way to start. After all, if you don’t feel like you have to drink whenever you see your friends, you might not automatically resort to it as often.
It’s also important to remember, that while difficult, you can still go to places like pubs with them and just get a soft drink, though this should be included alongside other activities that take you elsewhere.